Tuesday, December 4, 2012

An Elite "Average Joe"

As I mentioned in our weekly recap yesterday, Kevin and I have been listening to several of the podcasts at UltraRunnerPodcast.com.  A majority of the pod casts are from elite, well-known runners from the Ultra Runner community.  I have really enjoyed listening to each runners perspective on ultra running along with the experiences from their training and racing.

On my run this morning, however, I listened to a runner that bridged the gap from being an Average Joe runner like me to being an elite ultra runner like himself.  His name is Ian Torrence and he has acomplished just about everything in the sport of Ultra Running.  In his interview he discusses how he trains experienced marathoners to people running their first ultra marathon and how similar it can be.  The similarities of the goals he tries to set for his newbie ultra runners are so similar to the goals Kevin and I have set for ourselves.  This interview really inspired me and I highly recommend checking it out no matter what your current running goals are.


  1. URP is a great podcast! I've enjoyed every show I've listened to so far. Really liked the Michael Wardian interview as well.

  2. I listened to the Ian Torrence interview on the podcast this morning and then I found this. Looks like a ton of great information.

  3. Scott and Kevin -

    I just came across your blog today (1/25/13). It's an honor to be mentioned here. I wish you fellas the best in 2013!

    See you on the trails!
    Ian Torrence

    1. Ian, the honor is truly ours. I really enjoyed your perspective and it was very encouraging. Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope it will be a good read for other runners out there like us.


    2. Ian, the honor is truly ours. I really enjoyed your perspective and it was very encouraging. Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope it will be a good read for other runners out there like us.



Let us know what you think!